On 30th March 2017, EnviroServ released a presentation to the NPC for disclosure. The data provided indicates elevated sulphur dioxide concentrations during easterly wind trajectories over an eight day period, 15/16 March 2017 to 22/23 March 2017, as detected by two real-time community monitoring stations (Plantations and Kwandengezi) installed and operated by Enviroserv.
The presentation also stated that sulphur dioxide has some of the same health impacts as hydrogen sulphide (the pollutant associated with a rotten egg smell) and that EnviroServ are not responsible for the sulphur dioxide since this pollutant is not associated with landfill sites without combustion processes. The NPC have not been afforded the privilege of any accompanying raw data so that its experts are able to investigate the statements made by EnviroServ.
What is immediately apparent, however, is that the peaks in the depicted sulphur dioxide levels increase during the day during the week and diminish over weekends. Since SO2 is odourless at the concentrations presented in this dataset, it cannot be the cause of the odour nuisance in our communities, which we ascribe to the landfill site, together with associated health impacts.
Of immediate concern regarding the data provided to us is that if there are sulphur dioxide peaks of health concern at our community stations presently, these will be exacerbated by any additional sulphur dioxide associated with the proposed flaring at the landfill site. As soon as our experts have access to the associated raw data, we will provide an update.
Upper Highway Air will ensure attention is directed at any possible additional sources of pollution as our mission is to regain the clean air we once had.
To view the presentation given by EnviroServ, please click here.