Monitoring Committe Meeting – 28th June 2017

If you want to be represented by UHA, we expect you to be at the monitoring committee meeting supporting us. Time to get up and be seen, no more apathy. Shongweni Polo Club at 5pm, Wednesday 28th June 2017.
We have accepted the original Terms of Reference issued to EnviroServ for their legislated MC meetings. We do not accept their revised ToR’s. We are going to be voting to keep the current ToR’s and to force EnviroServ to adhere to these terms, which they have not done for at least the past 10 years.
This meeting is imperative for all interested and affected parties to attend. If you have completed an IAP form, and want UHA to represent you, you need to be there.
Given what UHA is going through to get things enforced, and bring this matter to a head, we are unable to feedback after every meeting so again, it is imperative that you be there.

Upper Highway Air