A note to all our loyal UHA Whiff Warriors, the DEA’s Green Scorpions criminal case against EnviroServ and their senior management, set for Wednesday 7th February, we understand the case will be adjourned to a trial date, or for them to file further particulars. So basically, it will not be heard on Wednesday.
We fully support the criminal case against EnviroServ but we want to work smart with our supporters and not to have anyone take unneccesary leave etc and we definitely dont want any of our members being exposed to the intimidation and threatening behaviours previously experienced.
We would rather conserve our resources and will notify you all when we have a date for both the UHA interdictory hearing and the criminal case. EnviroServ have filed most, but not all of the missing data we requested in terms of the court rules from them. We will post an update on this shortly.
Please keep reporting, donating and supporting. Together, we will win this.